So, I was in the mall recently and a father walked by with two boys. One hit the other and the boy who got hit told his father that he was hit. The man did nothing to the hitter but told the hitee that no one likes a tattle-tale.
Well, my first thought was, what's wrong with a tattle-tale? SHOULDN'T someone tell when something is wrong? I felt that way for quite awhile.
Then I experienced a true tattle-tale. An adult tattle-tale. And I realized what was wrong.
If you give tattle-tales validation as children, they grow up into adult tattle-tales. And when that person has really nothing to offer as a human being, they turn to tattle-telling whether it is true or not.
I have talked to people about this over time and the consesus is that tattle-tales will take one tiny little grain of truth and turn it into a story that makes them look good.
And you know what? That dad was right. No one likes a tattle-tale.
I learned there is a big difference between someone trying to stop an injustice or a violation of social or moral rules and a tattle-tale.
That kid should have just punched his brother back.