Tuesday, September 25, 2012

There she goes again - Day 1

I cry over everything. And I mean everything. Commercials, homeless people, an outdoor cat, everything. Anything. I always have.

My mom says when I was two years old I watched the movie "The Last Unicorn" and started sobbing hysterically at the end. That was the beginning of it all.

The Last Unicorn

It's kind of a running joke because no one who has met me understands how I can cry over absolutely everything. Especially because I'm kind of a rough and tumble type girl and I swear I don't like humanity - yet I cry over it all of the time.

I can't think of the cockroach that had to be killed in my office at work two months ago without crying. It's nuts.

So my plan is to track my crying for a week to see how much I really do cry. Maybe I don't cry as much as I think I do.

Well, we shall see.

So here we go:

As of 11:09 am on the first day I have cried three times. All three times were during a speech President Obama gave to the UN about the violence taking place because of the anti-Muslim video.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Temecula on Weeds

When I was five my parents moved me from Los Angeles to Temecula, California. There was one stoplight. No matter where I would go I would tell people I was from Temecula and they would say, "Where?" I could be an hour away from Temecula and people wouldn't know where it was.

It was a huge deal when we got a Target.

Well, slowly that has begun to change and now when I say where I am from they go, "Oh, really?" People actually know where it is.

Let me tell you, people, growing up in Temecula in the '80's and '90's was much different than it appears to be now. We had ONE high school. One.

But, alas, I have been vindicated. Because I love the show Weeds. And when I was watching this week's episode, Conrad says he's working with an organic farm in Temecula. YES! Vindication!

It's nice to exist.

Thanks, Weeds. I'll miss you.