Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fair trade is the only trade!

So I'm a member of this cool thing called Bzz Agent where they send me stuff to try and I talk about it.

Rarely so I like something so much that I post it here.

But we all know that I'm a big softy at heart so when I was sent fair trade coffee from Green Mountain Coffee I got really excited.

It's the little things that make the biggest difference.

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's California, people!

So, I live in California - home of big earthquakes and big fires.

Because of this, my husband and I have started getting prepared for a disaster.

Now, I don't mean that we're creating some weird underground bunker/gun storage warehouse. No. We're just getting together some canned food and medical supplies and creating a plan for what to do if I'm at work when a disaster happens.

BUT, whenever we tell anyone about this they act like we're the insane guy from World War 2 who shoots flies from his front porch.

I don't get it.

I understand why people don't prepare themselves. People are lazy and they think bad things will never happen to them.

But they DO. Does no one remember the Northridge quake or 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina?

So fine. Don't take care of yourself. I really don't care because I'll be chowing down on canned food while you're getting shot while looting. Fine by me.

But to think we're going overboard is what I don't understand.

All I know is nobody better come knocking on my door when they need food and water!

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's not that bad! - Day 7

So I don't cry as much as I thought I did! I only cried three more times in the week.

  • During "Parenthood." But I cry during every episode of "Parenthood."
  • During a "Downton Abbey" episode.
  • I adopted a dog for 12 hours on Saturday. I loved that dog. He was adorable. He also caused my elderly cat not to eat, drink, or sleep. So I had to give the dog to an adoption place. I definitely cried then.

The whole crying thing wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.