Thursday, February 28, 2013

They're hiding behind the seconds

I love Neil Gaiman. He's one of the most beautiful writers I have ever experienced.

I also love Evelyn, even though I have never met her. She's one of the most entertaining people I have ever experienced.

So, when Evelyn posted this blog about Neil Gaiman's Calendar of Tales, well, I just had to share it for multiple reasons.

Read it.

Because you do not want to miss out of phrases like, "They're hiding behind the seconds, waiting to get in."

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Oscars

So, the Oscars were last night. I don't actually watch the Oscars (and frankly, I don't really care about them) but I am incredibly opinionated so I thought I should post what did win and what I thought should win here for your reading enjoyment.

Best Picture:
Did win - Argo
Should have won - Beasts of the Southern Wild
Reason - Argo has been done a million, bazillion times with other names. And it wasn't even that suspenseful. And the suspense there was, from what I can tell, was fake. I think it won out of some misplaced American pride. Give me a break. BOTSW was beautiful and like nothing that's been done before. Robbed. BOTSW gets my highest compliment I can give a movie, which is, "That movie was stupid." Anything dubbed this way by me is done so because it means I could not stop crying. In this case, I cried for days every time I heard the name of the movie. For that, it should have won.

Best Actor:
Did win - Daniel Day Lewis
Should have won - Denzel Washington
Reason - Daniel Day Lewis was fine but Denzel in Flight. Boy howdy. (Yes, I said boy howdy.) That's an unlikeable character at best and he just made me feel raw emotion. Just because someone was a great president doesn't mean the person playing him should automatically get a shiny gold statue.

Best Actress:
Did win - Jennifer Lawrence
Should have won - Jennifer Lawrence
Reason - I am not a huge JenLaw fan by any means, but come on. She did a great job playing a fairly unbelieveable character. Good job, Academy.

Best Director:
Did win - Ang Lee for Life of Pi
Should have won - Benh Zeitlin for Beasts of the Southern Wild
Reason - Both actors directed fake animals so really, it's easy to compare the two. But Lee had to direct, like, three total people. Zeitlin had no budget and had to direct a bunch of people who had never acted before. Shouldn't that count for extra points? Does Lee get more points because he "directed" something that mostly didn't exist? How is that directing? Nope. Zeitlin should have won hands down.

That's all I'm going to weigh in on because that's all I really care about. I hope you enjoyed my expert review of the 2013 Academy Awards.

Friday, February 22, 2013

I love meat

But I'm a vegetarian. Why, you ask, am I a vegetarian since I love meat so much?

Because I love animals more.

My choice. Deal with it. It's been 13 years so I'm pretty sure nothing you're thinking about saying is going to change my mind.

But I get asked the question ALL of the time, what do I eat.

I also get asked all of the time what brands of fake meat I like since I love meat so much.

So here we go. A handy-dandy guide to Shasta's favorite fake meat so I never, ever have to type this all again.

Anything chicken related, go for Quorn.

Quorn as well for meatballs.
FrozenMeatballs 300g
Best meatball subs ever.

Morningstar Farms makes a good back up option but they just aren't as meat-like.

Morningstar does make the best crumbles, though.

For hamburgers, though, go with Boca.

All American Flame Grilled are my favorite.

Morningstar all the way here. I eat so much Morningstar they should thank me for keeping them in business. (Quorn, too.)

Bacon, sausage, and anything hot dog. I'm not going to post all of the pictures here. But they discontinued the hot dogs for a few years and I was seriously devastated. I also eat BLT's with their bacon about a million times a week.

Deli slices:
This has been the hardest thing for me but I have finally found some good options.

Yves Salami is delicious.

Meatless Deli Salami Slices

They also have a fantastic pepperoni.

Meatless Pepperoni

And of course, Tofurky. One of the originals and still one of the best. I personally like the peppered.

I have recently tried this new brand, Gardein.

I've only had the burger but it was very good.

So that's it. That's what I live on. If I find more or think of more I will keep you updated. Enjoy. And let the little critters live while being healthier at the same time!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

To Prius or not to Prius? That is the question.

So, on Tuesday I got in my first car accident. It sucked. I won't get into it here because I've told the story eight million times and I don't want to anymore. But here is my car:

You can't really see it but the whole framework is smashed against my tires. (Sorry folks. I had to crop out the rest so you couldn't see my license plate number and stalk me. Come on. You know you would.)

This was not my fault. Some idiot kid hit me. Ruined my car and gave me whiplash. Awesome.

So I'm waiting to see if my car will be considered totaled or if they are going to fix it. I am trying to prepare for anything.

And I've wanted a Prius forever. There's one problem, though. I HATE Prius drivers. They are some of the worst, most reckless, rude drivers out there. (And before you think, "Well, I drive a Prius and I don't suck," just shut the comment off in your head. I know there are exceptions to every rule.)

So I talked myself into getting a Hyundai Sonata hybrid. Then the whole thing with Hyundai lying about their gas mileage came out. Check that off my list.

I thought about an electric car. Then I thought of all the ways I could get myself in trouble with that. Check that off my list.

Then I get into an accident and it's decided - if I have to get a car I'm getting a Prius.

Then Casey and her boyfriend Brandon come over last night because they want to take care of me and they're awesome. I tell them I'm getting a Prius.

I get a look. And comments about how all Prius drivers suck.

AHHHH!!! I'm back to square one. 

Do I want to be a sucky Prius driver? I'm pretty convinced that I am good driver as I've lived over half my life without an accident and the one I did have was someone else's fault. I don't think suddenly driving a Prius will make me a bad driver.

But Brandon came up with a good point - people buy a Prius because of the status.

Well, here are my reasons:
- I like the Earth and I want to keep it.
- I live VERY far away from work and gas is expensive.
- I live in LA and would be very happy if I could use the carpool lane.

None of those have to do with status. But do I want to be clumped in with a bunch of status-obsessed awful drivers?

Oy. What's a girl to do? 

And who knows if I even have to make this decision!

Accidents are too much stress. 

UPDATE: My car is getting fixed. The question can be shelved indefinitely.

Friday, February 15, 2013

What's with the asteroids??

So, today there was a huge asteroid that flew past the Indian Ocean.

And even earlier today a meteor came through the atmosphere in Russia.

Could you imagine seeing something like this? It's crazy!

I wonder if this is going to get the doomsday prophesies started again!