Monday, February 25, 2013

The Oscars

So, the Oscars were last night. I don't actually watch the Oscars (and frankly, I don't really care about them) but I am incredibly opinionated so I thought I should post what did win and what I thought should win here for your reading enjoyment.

Best Picture:
Did win - Argo
Should have won - Beasts of the Southern Wild
Reason - Argo has been done a million, bazillion times with other names. And it wasn't even that suspenseful. And the suspense there was, from what I can tell, was fake. I think it won out of some misplaced American pride. Give me a break. BOTSW was beautiful and like nothing that's been done before. Robbed. BOTSW gets my highest compliment I can give a movie, which is, "That movie was stupid." Anything dubbed this way by me is done so because it means I could not stop crying. In this case, I cried for days every time I heard the name of the movie. For that, it should have won.

Best Actor:
Did win - Daniel Day Lewis
Should have won - Denzel Washington
Reason - Daniel Day Lewis was fine but Denzel in Flight. Boy howdy. (Yes, I said boy howdy.) That's an unlikeable character at best and he just made me feel raw emotion. Just because someone was a great president doesn't mean the person playing him should automatically get a shiny gold statue.

Best Actress:
Did win - Jennifer Lawrence
Should have won - Jennifer Lawrence
Reason - I am not a huge JenLaw fan by any means, but come on. She did a great job playing a fairly unbelieveable character. Good job, Academy.

Best Director:
Did win - Ang Lee for Life of Pi
Should have won - Benh Zeitlin for Beasts of the Southern Wild
Reason - Both actors directed fake animals so really, it's easy to compare the two. But Lee had to direct, like, three total people. Zeitlin had no budget and had to direct a bunch of people who had never acted before. Shouldn't that count for extra points? Does Lee get more points because he "directed" something that mostly didn't exist? How is that directing? Nope. Zeitlin should have won hands down.

That's all I'm going to weigh in on because that's all I really care about. I hope you enjoyed my expert review of the 2013 Academy Awards.


  1. I didn't see "Beasts of the Southern Wild," because it never played in my town. The people who love it seem to loooooooooove it, though, so I'm guessing there must be something to it.

    I liked "Argo" a lot, but I don't know that I would have given it Best Picture, either. I swear to God, I think my favorite movie of the year might have been "Magic Mike," or maybe "Wreck-It Ralph."

  2. See Beasts as soon as you possibly can. It's worth it.

  3. Replies
    1. Probably not, but it'd make my top ten. This was a weird year for movies; there were a ton of them that I liked, and a handful that I loved, but none of them really jumps out at me as a favorite. Most years, it's easy to pick one; this year, not so much.
